Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 7

Day 7 was wonderfully sunny. We were accompanied by Ian Hincks, another cyclist we met at Cape Disapointment. He started his trip in Toronto, Canada. We rode 45 miles before lunch, crossing the Colombia River into Astoria, Oregon. The bridge was 4 miles long! We ate lunch at a park and enjoyed the sun and some frisbee. The next 18 miles were treacherous. We had to climb two long, steep hills. Michelle got another flat tire on the first hill, which was a bummer. The climb was hard, but we had an incredible view of the Oregon Coast from the top. We finally made it to Nahalem State Park, ready to feast on breakfast burritos and hot chocolate. This was our longest day yet, covering a total of 63 miles.

Ian, Me, Phillip, Jonah, Michelle

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

day 6

Today was another wet and hard day. We left our campsite late and couldn't find a place to eat lunch. Finally around 3:30 we found the town of Long Beach and stopped at a coffee shop. They had free wireless so we blogged and had coffee but still no food. Heidi met an artist, Don Nisbitt, whose paintings were up in the cafe. He offered to take us out to dinner with his wife, Jenna. We gladly accepted his kind offer!
They took us to the 42nd St. Diner and it was delicious, and the company was great. While we were eating we met a friend of theirs, Craig, who offered to let us stay at his tree house on one of his properties. Once again we were excited to accept.
Me, Heidi, Jenna, Don, Phillip, Jonah
Craig's property as viewed from atop his lighthouse

His house

With Craig
We rode quads out to the tree house!

The tree house we slept in!!!!
Mine and Jonah's room
Heidi and Craig's very friendly dog.
Thank you to everyone: Don and Jenna, Craig, Richard, and Steve!!!! We will be telling this story for the rest of our lives!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 5

We packed up this morning and left in the mist/rain. The sun never came out today, it was cold and wet all day.
A quick stop at a pier.

At the top of a big climb
Phillip's BOB wheel was sqeaking and he said he wanted to poop on it....

Taken by Heidi

The road to the KOA
Taken by me

Day 4

We camped at a state park in Montesano for two nights, taking the second day to rest our legs at a local coffee shop. Jake, the barista, made us feel welcome to stay most of the day reading, journaling, and updating our blog. That night ended well back at camp with hot cocoa and starting an ongoing game of Gin Rummy.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 2 cont.

No explanation needed....

Day 2

On day 2 we rode 47 miles, making it to Potlatch State Park along the Hood Canal. It was a pretty ride; the roadside treated us with an abundant of ferns and mossy trees. We stopped to fuel up at an espresso barn in the small town, Quilcene. The owner encouraged us with kind words as we went on our way. We had a gradual climb up Mt. Walker with a nice long downhill on the other side. The rest of our ride was along the Hood Canal. We managed to stop at a large firework stand : )

Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 1

Ready to leave Jesse and Rachel's house in Edmonds, WA.

How we felt before heading out...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Let me start by saying thank you to all the Washington folks for the wonderful hospitality shown to Heidi and I over the last two weeks. Ellie and Doug, Christine and Ed, Signe and Dan, Rachel and Jesse, Andy and Carol, Grandma and Grandpa Larsen, thank you all very much, it was brilliant. Jonah and Michelle have joined us. We spent the afternoon buying as much food as we could carry. Than we thought it would be fitting to celebrate the eve of our departure with fireworks. After some good sleep tonight, we will pack up and head out in the morning. We leave the Seattle area, take two short ferry rides, and end our day on Hwy 101 along the Hood Canal. It should be about a 50 mile day. Our book selection for the first leg of the trip is as follows:
Phillip is reading My name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok
Heidi is reading Jayber Crow by Windel Berry
Jonah and Michelle will be enjoying Jesus for President by Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw
We are thankful for all your prayers.
Blue skies, tail winds, and smooth roads. Amen

Sunday, July 5, 2009

So it begins....

The day has finally arrived!!! Jonah and I are catching the train to Seattle today and will meet up with Heidi and Phillip tomorrow evening.