Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Let me start by saying thank you to all the Washington folks for the wonderful hospitality shown to Heidi and I over the last two weeks. Ellie and Doug, Christine and Ed, Signe and Dan, Rachel and Jesse, Andy and Carol, Grandma and Grandpa Larsen, thank you all very much, it was brilliant. Jonah and Michelle have joined us. We spent the afternoon buying as much food as we could carry. Than we thought it would be fitting to celebrate the eve of our departure with fireworks. After some good sleep tonight, we will pack up and head out in the morning. We leave the Seattle area, take two short ferry rides, and end our day on Hwy 101 along the Hood Canal. It should be about a 50 mile day. Our book selection for the first leg of the trip is as follows:
Phillip is reading My name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok
Heidi is reading Jayber Crow by Windel Berry
Jonah and Michelle will be enjoying Jesus for President by Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw
We are thankful for all your prayers.
Blue skies, tail winds, and smooth roads. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Im SOOO excited for your trip you guys!!! Sounds like you're having a blast already! I'll be living vicairously through your adventures on the road (Awesome videos by the way, they're way fun:) until I get home and I can hopefully meet up with ya'll on your journey for some good catching up and story-telling over breakfast burritos and awesome coffee. God bless your trip. your days, your nights, your friendships, and your encounters along the way. Rock on.
